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DP Gachagua chairs technical discussions on linking Jua Kali Sector to jobs

Government linking Jua Kali Sector to jobs and business financing

The Government is developing a framework of linking certified Jua Kali Sector workforce to formal employment and business financing opportunities locally and internationally, Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua has said.

The framework, which is underpinned by validation of skills and expertise of Jua Kali artisans as stipulated by the Recognition of Prior Learning Policy (RPLP) launched in March 2023, will provide a roadmap on assisting the workforce in the informal sector transition to the formal space for better pay and improved contribution to building a better economy.

Under the RPLP,  skilled and experienced artisans apply to designated Technical and Vocational Education Training (TVET) institutions for testing and awarding certificates attesting their competence in the specific area.

The Deputy President described the linking of Kenya's informal industry with TVET colleges as a masterstroke programme and a game changer of the industry.

Mr Gachagua added on Tuesday that linking artisans to job and business opportunities will spur the growth of the  economy and dignify the  sector.

He added that the Government will address financial gaps hindering entrepreneurs in Juakali industry from taking up contracts that require huge financing.

"Recognition of Prior Learning policy is a great milestone in Kenya because Juakali sector carries a bulk of our population. They are drivers of the economy. The Linkage Programme and Recognition of Prior Learning Policy intend to dignify their work," said Mr Gachagua.

He spoke during a multi-agency meeting at his Karen Residence, Nairobi, consisting of State House Deputy Chief of Staff Josphat Nanok, Principal Secretaries Rosaline Njogu (Diaspora Affairs) and Idris Dakota (Cabinet Affairs) senior officials from TVET, National Industrial Training Authority (NITA), other key agencies and representatives of the Jua Kali Federation.

The Deputy President has been spearheading formalisation of the Jua Kali Subsector under the Recognition of Prior Learning policy, for better income of the Juakali artisans.

In the linkages programme, NITA is expected to sensitize TVET principals to be assessors of the Juakali artisans  so that individual artisans can be issued with certificates indicating the  skills they possess.

The meeting was informed that the Juakali Master craftspersons will also be made assessors and some  juakali worksites will become assessment centres of the persons working in informal industry.

Further, some of the Master craftspersons are expected to be converted to trainers. The exercise will be undertaken by the Informal sector transformation unit.

Mr Gachagua elaborated that the plan is also to enhance participation of the Juakali artisans in Affordable Housing Program and the Markets construction.

"Juakali people are practical. This Linkages Programme is a revolution to our economy. We need to find linkages and how to certify the the people in the informal sector and place them to a project the Affordable Housing Program and Markets construction. This is a better way (of Government) to show it's commitment to the Recognition of Prior Learning policy," he said.

 "We need to enhance the Juakali artisans' input. There must be a linkage on how we can utilize their facilities," said the DP.

He continued: "This is the way to revolutionize the economy to ensure the informal sector is working. We need to dignify skilled people so that they get the required papers. Let us dignify our skilled workforce by recognizing their skills and certify it. They are organized workforce and are willing to work".

Chief Executive Officer of the Kenya National Federation of JuaKali Associations Mr Nyamai Wambua lauded the Linkage Programme saying it will create job opportunities for persons working in the informal sector.

"We are the happiest lot for this Programme and being part of the conversation. We are part of the policy. We are happy for the State agencies supporting the agenda. Through Office of the Deputy President we have the Juakali sector transformation unit. We are happy that entire government system is responding to the jua Kali sector," said Mr Wambua.

Diaspora Affairs Principal Secretary Roseline Njogu said that once the Juakali artisans are certified the State Department will incorporate them in the Kazi Majuu Initiative.

"We will support them with market driven needs. We want them to find working space abroad. We have engagements with foreign countries in construction sector. We want our Recognition of Prior Learning certificates to be equal and strong like those from other countries," she said.

The Recognition of Prior Learning Policy was launched on March 22, 2023.

The meeting chaired by the Deputy President was a follow-up to Mr Gachagua's earlier  guidance that the launch delivers quantifiable impact to the informal/juakali sector workers.

President William Ruto had earlier directed contractors and developers engaged in Affordable Housing Programme and Market projects to sub-contract youths and jua kali artisans in construction and supply of construction products in the programme.

Representatives of the State Department for Technical and Vocational Education Training, State Department For Labour and Skill Development, State Department for MSME Development, State Department for Housing and Urban Development, Kenya National Quality Authority, National Industrial Training Authority, Technical and Vocational Education Training Authority, TVET Training Curriculum Development, Assessment and Certification Council, Micro and Small Enterprise Authority, among others were present at the meeting chaired by Mr Gachagua.